CAP insights

What a week

13 March 2020

What a week. How do you mix the global celebration of reaching for/celebrating the drive for equality/balance, with the incredibly challenging situation the world and our travel industry finds itself in today.

What's the right thing to do?

With mental health/well-being at the top of agendas, we (men and women) are not sure what's right and what's wrong. Should we act on instinct or education?

I thank Marriott International for helping me to set my 'life sails' through thought leadership.

Do I get it right every time? No. Do I try my hardest to create great teams of inspired people? Yes. Do I try and look at everyone's perspective? Absolutely.

3 lessons.

Norman Schwarzkopf - 'Do the right thing'. ‘The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do, the hardest part is doing it’.

Trust and work together - leader's roles are to inspire, manage, achieve excellence. A spine-tingling session where 1000 associates made great music.

Understand and appreciate 'different perspectives' one of the greatest National Geographic photographers showed how your perspective changes depending on where you stand..

Last weekend I was at the home of Kipling, Westward Ho! Where the poem 'If' runs along the beach. There - I reset my sails.

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